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Sunday Aft Tamil live Service | AFT praise and worship | 01-12-2024 |

Welcome to the AFT - Praise And Worship channel! *********************************************** TO GET NEW SONGS AND DAILY UPDATES, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL    / @praiseandworship-channel   My wish is that one day, the whole world will sing prayer songs about Jesus for a world of peace, happiness and development.And I want to contribute a small part of my energy to support the less fortunate, so I built this prayer channel. *****AFT-PRAISE AND WORSHIP***** #sampchelladurai #aftchurch #johnjebaraj #jeevanchelladurai #tamilchristianchannel #gospelmusic #tamilsong #cheristianchannel #praiseworship #leviministry #worshipsongs #melodysong #aftchurch #tamilchristiansongs #tamilsongs #worshipmusic #christiansongs #music #aftsongs . . . . Pls share , Like and subscribe Thank you for watching. Do share our Video to Support us. God Bless You #tamilchristiansong #worshipsong #Worship #2024 #frberchmans #mohanclazarus #tamilchristiannewworshipsong #jeevanchalladuraiworship #NathanaelDonald #jeevanSong #aftOfficial #jeevanchalladuraiwhatsappstatus
