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Cate Blanchett Breaks Down Her Most Iconic Characters | GQ

Borderlands (Lilith) star Cate Blanchett joins GQ as she revisits some of the most iconic characters in her career so far: from playing Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings to her role as Hela in Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok. “I was there to work with Peter Jackson,” says Blanchett of her decision to take on the role of Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings. “I was such a huge fan of his work and his reverence — and his love of the ‘ugly’ side of things.” Watch the full episode of GQ’s Iconic Characters as Cate Blanchett breaks down her most iconic movie roles. #CateBlanchett #TheLordoftheRings #ThorRagnarok 00:00 - Cate Blanchett’s Iconic Characters 00:29 - Katharine Hepburn: The Aviator 04:23 - Galadriel: The Lord of the Rings 07:38 - Hela: Thor: Ragnarok 10:28 - Lydia Tár: Tár 14:17 - Jasmine: Blue Jasmine 18:47 - Jude: I’m Not There 21:17 - Carol: Carol 24:09 - Borderlands: Lilith GQ recommends:    • Christian Bale Breaks Down His Most I...      • Cillian Murphy Breaks Down His Most I...      • Cate Blanchett Teaches You Australian...   Watch more from GQ | Iconic Characters:    • Iconic Characters   Watch more from GQ:    • Lucky Blue Smith & Nara Smith Take a ...      • The Evolution of Wolverine, As Told b...      • Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Take a F...   ---------- Director: Noel Howard Director of Photography: Phil Bradshaw Editor: Robby Massey Talent: Cate Blanchett Guest: Cate Blanchett Producer: Sam Dennis UK Producer: Charlotte Johnston Line Producer: Jen Santos Production Manager: James Pipitone Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes Talent Booker: Lauren Mendoza Camera Operator: Melvin Wright Spark: Mackenzie Woods Sound Mixer: Matt Clark Production Assistant: Amber Fitzwilliam Post Production Supervisor: Rachael Knight Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds Still haven’t subscribed to GQ on YouTube? ►► Subscribe to GQ magazine and get rare swag: Join the GQ Discord to talk men's fashion, watches, and more:   / discord   ABOUT GQ For more than 50 years, GQ has been the premier men’s magazine, providing definitive coverage of style, culture, politics and more. In that tradition, GQ’s video channel covers every part of a man’s life, from entertainment and sports to fashion and grooming advice. Welcome to the modern guide to style advice, dating tips, celebrity videos, music, sports and more.    / gqvideos  
