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Origami Egg Sandwiches | Kenji's Cooking Show 20 часов назад

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Origami Egg Sandwiches | Kenji's Cooking Show

Find the full recipe and article at my Patreon (free to join):   / origami-egg-117793496   This is a fun way to make egg sandwiches for one. It's a technique that's inspired by Anda Toast, the Indian egg toast you find in the streets of Calcutta. I've never been to Calcutta, but if you are to believe everything you see on the internet (and why wouldn't you), anda toast made by cooking a thin omelet of eggs seasoned with onions, cilantro, and chiles in a sizzling hot skillet until the bottom is set but the top is still runny. A couple slices of soft bread are added to the top of the still-runny omelet, then the omelet is folded around the bread before being turned out onto a plate. It winds up looking halfway between an omelet and French Toast. Find the full recipe and article at my Patreon (free to join):   / origami-egg-117793496   BOOKS The Food Lab: The Wok: And my Kid’s book, Every Night is Pizza Night: You can also buy my books anywhere books are sold, or from these online retailers: SUBSCRIBE Instagram @kenjilopezalt Tik Tok @j.kenji.lopezalt Check out my website: AFFILIATE SALES: The following products linked or tagged in my posts or videos generate affiliate sales revenue for the site. This fact does not impact my review or recommendation process, and in general, we favor third-party affiliate links over direct affiliate links in order to avoid any conflicts of interest. Read more about my editorial standards here: Kan 10"" Chef's Knife (NOT AFFILIATE): Lampson Fish Turner: Misen Carbon Steel Pan: Boos Cutting Board: Iwatani Portable Butane Stove: CREDITS Shot by: Michael Weiner Edited by: Chris Lam Produced By: Kenji Lopez-Alt, Polly Auritt, Lena Davidson
