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Скачать с ютуб "Shik Shak Shok" -Hassan Abou El Seoud | @BDCNYC | @JBellyBURN MODERN BELLYDANCE CHOREO & IMPROV в хорошем качестве

"Shik Shak Shok" -Hassan Abou El Seoud | @BDCNYC | @JBellyBURN MODERN BELLYDANCE CHOREO & IMPROV 6 лет назад

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"Shik Shak Shok" -Hassan Abou El Seoud | @BDCNYC | @JBellyBURN MODERN BELLYDANCE CHOREO & IMPROV

JBelly's School of RAQ: Bellydance - REGISTER today at Hi Beauty, I (Janelle) offer weekly classes and courses presented In-Studio NYC, Online Zoom &/or On-Demand. ❤︎ No matter where you live you can train with Janelle and her JBelly Tribe! My mission is to help you grow the confidence to face all of life’s obstacles, challenges, and joys with an open heart through the body-loving art form of Bellydance! Beginners are always welcome. Connect with me today: Find me on Instagram: @JBELLYBURN ❥ ALL ARE WELCOME TO DANCE WITH ME!! A FAVORITE SONG OF MINE!! I have danced to this song since I was a little girl each time finding completely different rhythms and beats! so much fun and I really enjoyed teaching these ladies! Half of this first part is choreographed the other half Im just playing!! ----------------------------------------- Follow Janelle: Instagram: @jbellyburn |   / jbellyburn   Twitter:   / dance9janelle   Facebook:   / janelleissis   YouTube:    / janelleissis   Website:
