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Lacey's Flash Games Explained - Abuse, Trauma & Escapism 1 год назад

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Lacey's Flash Games Explained - Abuse, Trauma & Escapism

⚠️ This video contains themes that some people may find disturbing, viewer discretion is advised⚠️ ___________________________________________________________________________ What happens when you find a flash game from your childhood and it's not how you remember? Join me, and let's find out! Subscribe to GhostTundra!    / @ghosttundra   🤍 Join the Discord!   / discord   🤍 Thank you all for all the support, it genuinely means the world to me and i'll keep doing my best for you folks!! Have a great day! 🤍 🤍 0:00 TRIGGER WARNING 0:07 Intro 0:33 Lacey's Wardrobe 3:23 Lacey's Diner 5:53 Theories 6:01 Panic Attack Theory 6:22 Mental Health and Abuse Theory 8:31 Outro
