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Скачать с ютуб 奈良 大阪 | Top 5 Things to do in Nara | OSAKA to NARA в хорошем качестве

奈良 大阪 | Top 5 Things to do in Nara | OSAKA to NARA 2 года назад

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奈良 大阪 | Top 5 Things to do in Nara | OSAKA to NARA

In this travel video, we continued our journey through Osaka to Nara at the Botanical Garden in this area. Then I tried the food and ice cream with gold leaf on the streets of Nara. I hope you like the complete tour in Nara and through the Botanical garden, don't forget to leave a like and comment about this adventure through Japan 奈良 大阪 | Top 5 Things to do in Nara | OSAKA to NARA #japan #osaka #奈良 00:00 Botanical Garden 04:23 Walk through the park 06:35 Sagiike Pond 10:23 On the shopping streets of Nara 11:10 We try Japanese food From our adventure in Japan you can see here: Impressions the next day in Osaka -    • I saw something like this only in Osa...   TOKYO DISNEY SEA -    • EXPLORING TOKYO DISNEY SEA & DAIBA IS...   Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building -    • Impressions of the Tokyo Metropolitan...   Kamakura -    • Some Things to do in Kamakura | 鎌倉 | ...   Enoshima -    • Day trip from Tokyo, Enoshima and Kam...   Tokyo Imperial Palace -    • 皇居 | Tokyo Imperial Palace | Worth vi...   Tokyo Disneyland in 2022 -    • 5 Things You NEED to Know About Tokyo...   First day in Japan -    • We arrived in Tokyo. First day in Japan  
