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Скачать с ютуб Dragonflight Launch Cinematic "Take to the Skies" | World of Warcraft в хорошем качестве

Dragonflight Launch Cinematic "Take to the Skies" | World of Warcraft 2 года назад

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Dragonflight Launch Cinematic "Take to the Skies" | World of Warcraft

Take to the skies with the dragonflights of Azeroth as they return to the Dragon Isles, a lost realm of magic and wonder. There await the dracthyr evokers, an all-new playable hero class who stand ready to join the ranks of the Horde and Alliance to face an ancient threat. World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight launches on November 28 at 3:00PM PST. ► Latest WoW news: ► Subscribe to WoW: ► Visit WoW on -- ► Follow Warcraft on Twitter:   / warcraft   ► Follow Warcraft on Instagram:   / warcraft   ► Like Warcraft on Facebook:   / warcraft  
