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Parkside 3 in 1 Multi Function Sander PMFS 200 C3 (Tool Review)

In this video I Unbox and Review the Parkside 3-IN-1 Multi- Function Sander PMFS 200 C3 from Lidl. I go through everything that comes in the box and also give it all a testing before sharing my thoughts on this Multi Function Sander. I bought this Tool with my own money this is not a promotional video. To Subscribe to the Channel click here: 🤝 Help Support the Channel 🤝 ☕ Buy Me a Coffee: Catch me on Instagram:   / phill.wyatt.projects   (Check out the Channel Play Lists): Woodworking & D.I.Y:    • How to Make a Simple Porch / Awning f...   Gardening & Plants:    • Gardening & Plants   Workshop Build:    • Workshop Build   Restoration Projects:    • Restoration Projects   #sander #toolreviews #parkside Email : [email protected]
