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Greenline 40 Hybrid I Full Walkthrough I The Marine Channel

The concept behind Greenline boats is an impressive one, a hybrid system that reduces fuel consumption and gives the ability to power the boat on electric/solar power when at anchor and when underway. Not only does this make their boats more economical than traditional alternatives, but delivers a level of quiet refinement that is pretty much unmatched! The Greenline 40 is the smaller sibling to the Greenline 45 Flybridge which we published a walkthrough on a few months ago. This 40 footer brings the same feeling of light sociable spaces and attractive, slightly understated design. We loved the overall vibe and were particularly impressed with the saloon area. If you enjoyed the tour then why not subscribe, and click the alert button so we can let you know every time a new video is released. For more info on Greenline boats visit
