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IELTS Writing: How to score 7+ in Writing Task 2

In this video recorded by Ross IELTS Academy, we'll learn together what to do to get a perfect band 9 in the IELTS Writing Task2. As I told you in the previous video, in writing task 2, you will have to write an essay about different question types you might face in this task. The first and most important thing is to identify what question type you are dealing with so that you can apply the correct structure for it. There are 5 different question types in task 2: 1) Opinion question (Agree or disagree) 2) Discussion question (Discuss both views) 3) Advantages and disadvantages 4) Problems/ causes and solutions 5) Double questions In the next videos, we will talk about each in details. Now, let’s see what steps we should take to answer these questions. 1) Question analysis Let’s look at an example. Here we have a task 2 question. The questions statement says: 1) Students perform better in school when they are rewarded rather than punished. We are also asked two questions related to the given question statement: To what extent do you agree or disagree? Discuss both views and give your own opinion. When you see the question, the first thing is to read it very carefully to fully understand what question type it is and what you are asked to write about. To do so, you should underline the keywords in the question statement which here, are: students, perform, reward, punished 2)Brainstorming What is brainstorming? Simply put, brainstorming is to come up with ideas you want to write about. To understand it better, let me give you an example. Suppose you are not on the test day struggling with the writing. Instead, you are sitting in a coffee shop with your friend talking about this and that. There is a newspaper next to you and a sentence attracts your attention: “Students perform better in school when they are rewarded rather than punished.” After reading the sentence, you start talking about with your friend. Your friend is in favor of the idea and says that this is a good idea and punishment may lead to a better progress in students. You, on the other hand, find yourself against the idea and think that it can have a negative impact on the students in the future. See? You easily started to think about different ideas analyzing the two sides of the statement. Therefore, you should do the same at time of brainstorming on the exam day. Don’t complicate it. You just need to make up some relevant ideas even if you don’t personally agree with some. Take 2 to 3 minutes to brainstorm before you start writing. You shouldn’t only think about them and start the text right away. Take your time to write them on a paper or you’ll forget them at time of writing the paragraphs. Brainstorming will help you with: 1)Time management 2)Reducing stress levels 3)Identifying the required writing structure Now that we know how to analyze the question, circle the keywords and brainstorm, we are ready to write. Here is the general structure we should apply in all question types for task 2 essay: Introduction paragraph (2-3 sentences) Body paragraph 1 (3-5 sentences) Body paragraph 2 (3-5 sentences) Conclusion paragraph (2-3 sentences) #IELTSWriting2022 #IELTSWritingTask2 Band 9 Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2 with latest updates 2022    • Band 9 Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2 ...   IELTS Writing Task2 Direct Questions boost your score from 6.5 to 7.5    • Видео   How to write a formal letter to get band 7 in IELTS Writing Task 1?    • How to write a formal letter to get b...   Band 9 Tips for IELTS Writing Task 2    • Видео   Can we use contractions in IELTS Writing?    • Can we use contractions in IELTS Writ...   IELTS Academic Writing Task1- everything you need to know    • IELTS Academic Writing Task1- everyth...   IELTS Writing: How to generate ideas to write an essay    • Видео   IELTS Writing Band 9 strategy to deal with Task2 question types    • IELTS Writing Band 9 strategy to deal...   IELTS Writing Band 9 tips for Spelling and giving Examples    • IELTS Writing Band 9 tips for Spellin...   Band 9 IELTS Writing Punctuation: When to use a comma?    • Band 9 IELTS Writing Punctuation: Whe...   ielts ielts writing ielts writing task 2 ielts writing tips ielts reading ielts course ielts academic esl ielts tips ielts tips and tricks ielts preparation ielts reading test ielts writing task 1 ielts practice ielts test english grammar
