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The Thirteenth Year - Disneycember

We all know the Little Mermaid, but the Little Mer...Boy? Doug looks at a whale of a tale in this strange fishy adventure, The Thirteenth Year. The Thirteenth Year is a 1999 comedy-drama Disney Channel Original Movie. It was released May 15, 1999. The film was directed by Duwayne Dunham, who has directed other children and Disney movies, including Little Giants and Halloweentown. Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - Get some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - See more at our Site: Facebook:   / channelawesome   Twitter:   / channelawesome   Instagram:   / channelawesome   Like Doug on Facebook:   / 127127037353766   The ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome. New Nostalgia Critic episodes every Wednesday at 5PM CST. New Top 5 Best/Worst every Tuesday at 5PM CST New Real Thoughts or 1st Viewing episodes every Thursday at 5PM CST. New Tamara's Never Seen every Friday at 5PM CST. Classic Nostalgia Critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. TV Show Vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Same with Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and Bum Reviews.
