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Goa's Biggest New Year Party At Baga Beach 2023 | 31st Night Goa

New Year Party Goa 2023 | 31st Night Dj Party Baga Beach Goa In this video get to see the glimpses of 31st night at Baga and Calangute beach Goa, along with new year 2023 celebrations with DJ night at different shacks on the Baga beach goa. One of the most happening beaches in Goa, Baga Beach is where you will find water sports, fine dining restaurants, bars, and clubs. Situated in North Goa, Baga Beach is bordered by Calangute and Anjuna Beaches. This video covers the happening moments of 31st night and new year celebrations at Baga beach goa with Dj at shacks such as Las Olas, HABANA etc. It was an wonderful experience and fun to be present there and present you this virtual tour of new year celebration and vibes at Baga beach goa. Baga and Calangute beach is also one of the famous beaches in north goa due to its vibes and DJ shows. Baga Beach Goa Location : For more information about Baga Beach Goa Check here : Hope you enjoy the video and do share and subscribe. Tags :- New year party goa 2023 Baga beach new year party New year celebrations at baga beach goa 31st night at baga beach Dj shows at baga beach at new year Las olas shack at baga beach goa New year party baga goa New year party goa calangute New year celebration goa Baga beach new year party 2023 Baga beach new year party #newyeargoa2023 #bagabeachnewyearparty #baganewyeargoa #2023newyearbagabeach #bagabeachgoa #djnightbagabeachgoa #31stnightbagagoa #31stpartybagabeach #goanewyearbaga2023 #goanewyeardj #bagabeachshacks
