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Скачать с ютуб LED Motorcycle Headlights Review - LED, HID, or Halogen? | The Inja в хорошем качестве

LED Motorcycle Headlights Review - LED, HID, or Halogen? | The Inja 8 лет назад

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LED Motorcycle Headlights Review - LED, HID, or Halogen? | The Inja

– My extra set has been sold! – H4 LED headlight: H7 LED headlight: (You need both for the FZ6, one H4 and one H7) This video shows an LED headlight conversion on a Yamaha FZ6 motorcycle. So should you get LED, halogen, or HID? From my experience, LED is the best option. I got my set of Mictuning LED headlights from Amazon for $55. One of my favorite upgrades so far. Would totally recommend this set of Headlights. Facebook!   / injamotorcycles  
