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The Junk Man Rag by C. Luckyth Roberts (1914) 1 год назад

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The Junk Man Rag by C. Luckyth Roberts (1914)

Original listing and sheet music here: This was Luckey Roberts' first hit, which his friend Artie Matthews helped to arrange and get published for him. A great pianist and composer from New York, he performed for decades and was one of the earliest proponents of the Harlem stride style. This piece dates from 1913, the edition shown is dated 1914 and was published by Joseph Stern in New York City. Here's Luckey Roberts performing "The Junk Man Rag" (part one) and giving a piano lesson in 1962 (part 2):    • Junk Man Rag (1914) played by the com...   Original score source was from the Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection at Mississippi State University at this link (thank you to JohnJ1995 for this great suggestion): This is a reproduction of the 1914 original score. Link to Luckey Roberts playlist:    • C. Luckyth (Luckey) Roberts   Other spellings: Lucky Roberts, Luckeyth Roberts, Charles Luckyth Roberts #ragtime #ragtimepiano
