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Скачать с ютуб FIRST 60 MINUTES WILL REVEAL YOUR STRENGTH | Sher Sutra 3 в хорошем качестве

FIRST 60 MINUTES WILL REVEAL YOUR STRENGTH | Sher Sutra 3 Трансляция закончилась 1 год назад

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---------------------------------------------- 👉🏻ART OF CONVERSATION ---------------------------------------------- Art of Conversation is a unique program with concepts, strategies and guidance to help you have meaningful interactions with the people that matter. Get better at talking to people here: ---------------------------------------------- 👉🏻DON'T SHUT UP ---------------------------------------------- Your success in this world is proportional to your ability to manage the world and get what you need while building sustainable relationships. We magnified your life one conversation at a time and discovered 23 situations which have the potential to impact your life and happiness. This is my guide to winning these situations: #prakharkepravachan #krishna #sheracademy Timesstamps: 0:00 - Begins 1:50 will sher academy become private? 5:47 is confidence overrated 7:48 Did you have a nihilism phase 9:50 Fractional reserve system 3:15 fatigued emotionally after many casual relationships and now crave stable relationship. Do you think it normal 15:30 What if eric weinstein comes on Dostcast 17:45 ​I have weak parents deny my OCD stopped my meds and tell me to Stop "OCD drama " and say my purpose is to make parents happy mother diagnosed with NPD and uncle is authoritarian 21:48 Who watched Fundamental of Attraction 22:00 Why your spiritual ideas are nonsense 24:12 about book recommendations video 27:04 Why men have it better in dating market 27:54 Why Competetive exams suck 32:15 Views on manifestation and laws of attraction 33:23 RULE 3 STARTS 1:15:40 about Krishna
