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Скачать с ютуб CAR T Cells: Beating Cancer with the Immune System в хорошем качестве

CAR T Cells: Beating Cancer with the Immune System 1 год назад

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CAR T Cells: Beating Cancer with the Immune System

Doug Olson's terminal cancer was miraculously cured through genetic modification of his own immune cells. While this sounds like it's straight out of a science fiction novel, many cancer patients are currently receiving this revolutionary new cancer treatment: CAR T cell therapy. Learn about the mechanism, side effects, and the exciting future of CAR T cells in this episode of Medicurio. Please go to my website for the video transcript, references, and extra info about the video: • Doug Olson’s Story • What’s the Fuss About Co-Stimulation? • The Natural Cancer-Killing Ability of the Immune System • New Ideas for CAR T Cells • Hypogammaglobulinemia, CRS, and ICANS • Thank You, Alpacas, For Your Nanobodies Website: Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 01:30 T cell signaling mechanisms 03:32 How T cells destroy infected cells 04:46 Chimeric antigen receptor structure 07:03 CAR T cell manufacturing 07:53 Approved CAR T cell therapies and clinical trials 09:28 CAR T cell therapy side effects 10:37 The future of CAR T cell therapy 12:56 Outro
