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How to Payoff Credit Card Debt Fast by Derek Pierce 5 лет назад

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How to Payoff Credit Card Debt Fast by Derek Pierce

Want to know how I upped my income? Go here for the training webinar- In this video I explain the steps I took to pay off credit card debt fast. I went from owing over $100,000 in credit card debt from botched real estate investments to paying it all off faster than I ever dreamed possible without being late or harming my credit score. The first step is upping your income. I began using affiliate marketing and Search Engine Optimization and built a business from home that started on a shoe string budget. Secondly, we had to face the debt. For years I buried my head in the sand ignoring how much we really owed. As painful as it can be, you have to be willing to face it head on. Finally we came up with a plan. The plan involved first taking percentages from our income to pay off the debt. To begin with we started with at least 20% of all of our earnings with the new increase in income to pay directly to the debt, then 10% going into a reserve account. This way we were not just paying off debt, but also putting money back into reserves. Out of this 20% we first paid off the smaller cards to gain some momentum. Then we'd get an increase in credit from the newly paid off card with a 0% on balance transfers. We'd then transfer the owed amounts to the 0% cards. We did this card by card until we had all of these paid off faster than I ever imagined. I hope this video helps you in paying off your credit cards fast. #howtopayoffcreditcards #creditcarddebt #credit
