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How To Draw A Parrot - Letter P - Preschool 2 года назад

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How To Draw A Parrot - Letter P - Preschool

This lesson is meant for younger artists, but still fun for everyone! Olivia and I are learning how to draw a parrot by first writing the letter P. We hope you and your little artists have fun following along with us. Art Supplies ~ This is a list of the supplies we used, but feel free to use whatever you have in your home or classroom. ~Crayons ~Paper Visit our art supply page for more information about the supplies used in this lesson. 🎨 VISIT OUR AMAZON ART SUPPLY STORE 👩🎨 JOIN OUR ART HUB MEMBERSHIP! VISIT 📺 SUBSCRIBE to our channel here 📷 POST your child's artwork to: FACEBOOK   / artforkidshub   INSTAGRAM   / artforkidshub   #howtodraw #artforkidshub
