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Italian Serie A Memories: Herbert Prohaska (Inter and Roma 1980-1983) 10 лет назад

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Italian Serie A Memories: Herbert Prohaska (Inter and Roma 1980-1983)

Herbert Prohaska, born 8 August 1955 in Vienna (Austria). 82 games and 11 goals in Serie A, playing as midfielder with Inter and Roma from 1980 to 1983. He won 1 Coppa Italia (1981/82 Inter) and 1 Serie A (1982/83 Roma). With Austria he scored 10 goals in 83 international games (1974-1989), taking part to 2 FIFA World Cups (1978, 1982). In November 2003, Prohaska was selected as the Golden Player of Austria by the Austrian Football Association as their most outstanding player of the past 50 years. In August 2004, he was voted the Austrian Footballer of the Century as the Austrian Football Association celebrated its 100th anniversary. MUSIC: "Last Caress" by Misfits (1980)
