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Скачать с ютуб El Rito Primiro Canyon Hike - Latir Peak Wilderness, Carson Nat'l Forest, New Mexico - June 2024 в хорошем качестве

El Rito Primiro Canyon Hike - Latir Peak Wilderness, Carson Nat'l Forest, New Mexico - June 2024 5 месяцев назад

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El Rito Primiro Canyon Hike - Latir Peak Wilderness, Carson Nat'l Forest, New Mexico - June 2024

The El Rito Primiro Canyon Trail starts from the same trailhead but continues into the next canyon to the south of the Questa Dome canyon. The trail is a primitive Forest Service road that is not suitable for passenger vehicles.  It's a steep trail with an elevation gain of 1000 ft. before reaching the adjacent canyon. Then, as we proceeded over to the adjacent canyon, the elevation dropped 300 ft. on the way to the stream below. This was our second hike in this general area in search of large waterfalls.  It wasn't meant to be this time... but the hiking was still an adventure.
