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Enchantment of the Seas Tour 3 месяца назад

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Enchantment of the Seas Tour

Alex and I will take you through Royal Caribbean’s, Enchantment of the seas cruise ship. We will cover all common areas and show photos of the areas that were unavailable to us. This is an extended Vision-class ship that had its maiden voyage in 1998. The added section includes 150+ staterooms, a second pool, more seating on the Lido, and Boleros Lounge. This is a great ship with plenty to offer guests and a fantastic crew. If you have been aboard the Enchantment or have questions, leave a comment below. We invite you to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more tours, adventures, and discussions. Follow on INSTAGRAM @asgoodasitgets for photos and shorts. Thanks for watching and your support for our channel. Thanks for watching, see you on the next one. Ciao ciao for now!
