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Скачать с ютуб The Passive Solar Greenhouse of the Future is Being Built in Kamloops, BC в хорошем качестве

The Passive Solar Greenhouse of the Future is Being Built in Kamloops, BC 2 года назад

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The Passive Solar Greenhouse of the Future is Being Built in Kamloops, BC

This greenhouse in Kamloops is the culmination of 10 years of research, design, and experimentation. For those of you who've seen this video on our channel:    • Passive Solar Greenhouse, Root Cellar...   You'll recognize that Rob's dream of building a greenhouse x root cellar x commercial kitchen has finally come true. If you're ready to build a life changing greenhouse, Register for the course at: If you are on your way toward building a greenhouse and need some advice, Rob is available for consultations: -- BOOKS -- Essential Rainwater Harvesting: A Guide to Home-Scale System Design: Building your Permaculture Property: A 5-Step Process to Design & Develop Land: -- CONNECT WITH US -- Meet the Verge Team: Website: Build Your Permaculture Property: Ideas on the Verge Podcast: Building your Permaculture Property Podcast: Facebook:   / vergepermaculture   FREE RESOURCES: As a special gift when you subscribe to our newsletter is that we’ll send you the link to download our drop-dead-gorgeous Blog Book: 50 breathtaking magazine-style pages of our most popular blog posts and articles over the past five years, from permaculture ABCs to property-buying, home design, eco-investing, and community retrofitting. Sign-up: Why should you reserve a place in your inbox for Verge’s newsletters? One reason: because we challenge the headlines and cultural paradigms with a whole different kind of alternative fact: Permaculture-inspired businesses can succeed – and restore the planet. And we’ll show you how to do it.
