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Volunteering at Yosemite Facelift 2024 with The Landmark Project 2 недели назад

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Volunteering at Yosemite Facelift 2024 with The Landmark Project

For the second year in a row, The Landmark Project crew made our way to Yosemite National Park for the annual Yosemite FaceLift... which is a week-long event of volunteering around the park and giving-back to nature. This year we were joined by several friends and National Park lovers, and we decided to ask them a few questions about their experience visiting and volunteering in Yosemite National Park. Enjoy watching and let us know what your answers would be to some of these questions in the comments! ‪@JeremyElrod‬ ‪@codyandvictoria‬ ‪@awildtuan‬ ‪@mountaingazette9805‬ ‪@KendraTustin‬ #volunteering #givingback #givingtuesday #nationalpark #nationalparks #interviews #outdoors #outdoorapparel #outdoorclothing #conservancy #custommadeshirts #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #mylandmark #thelandmarkproject
