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Скачать с ютуб Top 5 Beginner Brass: Birmingham Strategies в хорошем качестве

Top 5 Beginner Brass: Birmingham Strategies 2 года назад

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Top 5 Beginner Brass: Birmingham Strategies

Brass Birmingham has quite the learning curve, so I put together a few tips to help ease you in. Here are those links I mentioned: 0:00 - Intro 0:42 - You don't own your resources 1:38 - Don't be scared of loans 2:31 - Develop! 3:16 - Don't build the same stuff 4:01 - Build Railroads 4:33 - Outro To support RTFM, consider pledging at   / rtfm   Twitter:   / rtfmshow   Instagram:   / rtfmshow   Personal Twitter:   / sheasayswords   Want to check out the gaming table I use? #tutorial #boardgames #RTFM #rtfmshow
