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Скачать с ютуб 9 Skills For The Future Of Work | Jimmy McLoughlin OBE | TEDxYouth@HABS в хорошем качестве

9 Skills For The Future Of Work | Jimmy McLoughlin OBE | TEDxYouth@HABS 7 месяцев назад

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9 Skills For The Future Of Work | Jimmy McLoughlin OBE | TEDxYouth@HABS

In this thought-provoking talk, Jimmy McLoughlin, explores the intersection of AI and the future job market. Drawing parallels between historical shifts in employment sectors and the current AI revolution, McLoughlin paints an optimistic picture of the evolving workforce. Emphasizing the importance of human-centric skills in the age of AI, he encourages the audience, particularly the upcoming generation, to embrace AI as a tool for empowerment rather than a threat to job security. As McLoughlin navigates through history and personal anecdotes, he offers insightful perspectives on how AI can shape the future world of work and urges individuals to seize the opportunity. Royalty Free Music from Track: Blackout by colinroot Jimmy McLoughlin OBE is a podcaster and former special advisor to the Prime Minister on business, technology and entrepreneurship. Jimmy has worked at the highest levels of business and government, serving for three years as the Prime Minister’s Business Director at 10 Downing Street from 2016 to 2019. During a period of momentous political change, Jimmy helped shape the British government’s relationship with domestic and international businesses, and witnessed firsthand the dynamic between industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policy-makers. Jimmy now hosts his own podcast, Jimmy's Jobs of the Future which interviews entrepreneurs about the jobs they are creating and what the future of our economy looks like. Guests include Rishi Sunak, Andrew Bailey, Ben Francis, Pip Jamieson and Gavin Barwell. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
