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My 2022 Pen of the Year

My 2022 Pen of the year. The Gravitas Pens Delrin by Ben Walsh. These pens were selected not because they were new on the market in 2022, but because I acquired and/or reviewed them for the first time in 2022. Gravitas Pens are best available from Pen Venture: Here is the Pen Venture link: Gravitas Pens Delrin:    • Gravitas Pens Delrin Fountain Pen Review   Gravitas Pens: Stabilo Flow:    • Stabilo Flow Fountain Pen Review   Hover Pen 3.0:    • Hover Pen 3.0 Fountain Pen Review   Kilk Epigram:    • Kilk Epigram Fountain Pen Review   Hex Pens DNA Evolved:    • Hex Pens DNA Evolved Fountain Pen Review   Platypus Pens Quokka:    • Platypus Pens 'Quokka' Introduction a...   Parker Vacumatic Junior:    • Every day writers: Parker Vacumatic J...   Thank you for watching and supporting this channel. The Offstage Me Podcast (Spotify): Instagram:   / the_offstage_me   Email: [email protected] The opinions are my own, based on my own experiences with the product. Not to be used for reference or as gospel.
