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I Watched A Killer Donut Movie So You Don't Have To 2 года назад

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I Watched A Killer Donut Movie So You Don't Have To

Attack of the killer donuts or attack of the killer doughnuts? MacDoesIt Youtooz giveaway: Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @macdoesit   MERCH: Check out my new pod- Messy W/ Mac & Mike    / @messypod   Check out my other vids: REACTING TO ANTI-GAY COMMERCIALS BECAUSE I'M GAY:    • REACTING TO ANTI-GAY COMMERCIALS BECA...   trying on weird costumes so you don't have to:    • Trying On Sexy Costumes From Wish   VIEWERS PICK MY OUTFITS Because I'm Lonely:    • VIEWERS PICK MY OUTFITS Because I'm L...   I follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial with only audio    • I follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial...   I found a cure for gayness.    • I found a cure for gayness.   Welcome to my bad movie beatdown of Attack of the killer donuts. This is my first time watching the movie. Follow My Social-ness TWITTER: @ MacDoesIt INSTAGRAM: @ MacDoesIt TIKTOK: @ MacDoesIt Similar to: Cody Ko, Courtreezy, Kurtis Connor I'm a satirical comedic vlogger who creates content that is a cross between “Intelligently funny” and “an organized hot mess.” I do pop culture reviews, challenges, storytimes, etc. such as "A Salty Response from Pluto", "Why JuJu on That Beat is Evil", "I bought the rainbow art sponge we saw on TV in our childhood" AND MORE!
