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Joseph Ratzinger Against Hyperpapalism Трансляция закончилась 2 года назад

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Joseph Ratzinger Against Hyperpapalism

Join the online guild:   / meaningofcatholic   Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads pt. 1:    • Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads - ...   Pt. 2: the Trad Myth about Vatican II    • The Trad Myth About Vatican II   Pt. 3: The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism Excess    • 3. The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism E...   Pt. 4: Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté    • 4. Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté   Pt. 5: Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican II Naïveté    • 5. Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican...   6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II    • 6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II   7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the SSPX    • 7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the ...   8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture    • 8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture   9. E. M**** Jones and Ratzinger (GUILD STREAM ONLY) 10. Modernism in the Vatican II Documents? Yes and No    • 10. Modernism in the Vatican II Docum...   11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatican II    • 11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatica...   12. E. M****Jones on Ratzinger and the J**** Q*** (GUILD STREAM ONLY) 13. Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Francis Before Traditionis Custodes    • Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Franc...   14. Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Pope Francis    • 14. Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Po...   15. Ratzinger Confirms Lefebvre on Definition of Liturgy    • 15. Ratzinger Confirms Lefebvre on De...   16. Pope Francis Admits He Doesn't Understand Benedict on Vatican II    • 16. Pope Francis Admits He Doesn't Un...   17. Ratzinger Confirms Recognize & Resist    • 17. Ratzinger Confirms Recognize & Re...   18. Ratzinger Recognized & Resisted Pope Paul VI    • 18  Ratzinger Recognized & Resisted P...   19. Paul VI Promulgated Rupture (Latin & Gregorian Chant)    • 19. Paul VI Promulgated Rupture (Lati...   20. Paul Vl Promulgated Rupture pt. 2 (table altars)    • 20. Paul Vl Promulgated Rupture pt. 2...  
