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Скачать с ютуб Here's How Microsoft Solved The Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death в хорошем качестве

Here's How Microsoft Solved The Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death 4 года назад

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Here's How Microsoft Solved The Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

When the Xbox 360 released Microsoft jumped ahead by a year over the PS3, but the cost due to rushing the system to market would end up being a costly one. Today I wanted to take a look at how Microsoft worked to solve the Red Ring of Death with a massive revision over the course of 5 years with the introduction of the Xbox 360 Slim. Second Channel:    / @spawnwaveplus6991   Spawncast Clips:    / @spawncastnetwork   Story Fire: Twitter: @SpawnWaveMedia Spawn Wave Merch: Consider Supporting Us On Patreon:   / spawnwave   Reddit:   / spawnwave   Follow Us On Twitch:   / spawnwavemedia   Listen To Our Weekly Podcast:   / spawn-wave   Music: Like Comment and Subscribe! Thanks for watching! #Xbox #Xbox360 #TechWave
