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The Majestic Spa Hotel Harrogate - Spa & Stay Review

The Majestic Spa Hotel Harrogate - Spa & Stay Review Located in the stunning North Yorkshire town of Harrogate you can find the Majestic Hotel and Spa This Victorian hotel has an interesting history to boast and we stayed for one night on a spa break package In this video, filmed last year for the previous channel (see past video about all THAT drama) we give a full honest review of the hotel and it's facilites Expect a room tour, dining review and overview of the spa Go behind the scenes on facebook -   / wanderlustwaywithus   Or Instagram   / the.wanderlustway   Or even Tiktok   / thewanderlustway   Thanks for watching - feel free to ask any questions in the comments Subscribe to the channel for more content like this #harrogate #hotelreview #uktravel #spahotel #yorkshire
