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The Biggest Fully Scaled In The Country! The Lord Of The Manor! Winter Carp Fishing 14 часов назад

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The Biggest Fully Scaled In The Country! The Lord Of The Manor! Winter Carp Fishing

Welcome back to the Parker Baits YouTube channel for Part 2 of our epic Manor Carp Fishery series! 🎣 In this episode, we pick up right where we left off, with a quick recap of Part 1, where Theo smashed it with two PBs in one session — first landing a stunning 35lb mirror carp, and then the majestic "Lady of the Manor" at an incredible 39lb! This time, we’re diving even deeper into the magic of the venue. We sit down with the fishery owner to uncover the history, atmosphere, and secrets behind this incredible location — the home of the biggest fully scaled carp in the country! 🐟 Plus, we take an exclusive look at the legendary “Lord of the Manor,” a colossal carp that has tipped the scales at a jaw-dropping 63lb. You’ll even get to see its incredible transformation from just 1lb to the record-breaking beauty it is today. This is one journey you don’t want to miss — from monster carp to behind-the-scenes insights, this session has it all. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to Parker Baits for more epic adventures! Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @parkerbaits   Parker Baits Website - Parker Baits Social Media Links Instagram -   / parker.baits   Facebook -   / parkerbaitsuk   Deeper 10% Off Discount Code CODE: DEEPER-H-CXOXF Link: MB01RGX0NL0RWOQ MB01DKK9O50WQIX MB01PHRIZRADSLP MB01BHB1DJFPOWA MB0183J8NO2VIPF MB01LKLRVJGYDSX
