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Скачать с ютуб Malina & Azis - "Chernite ochi" в хорошем качестве

Malina & Azis - "Chernite ochi" 17 лет назад

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Malina & Azis - "Chernite ochi"

"DVE 4ERVENI Enurion" presents: Azis and Malina, in episode: "Chernite ochi" (The Black Eyes) If Malina was the Queen, Azis is the King of the modern folk dances in Bulgaria. They both are the ultimate kingdom of the Bulgarian Chalga. "The King" is remarkable and unique brand of the Bulgarian folk culture and the most shining star of the Bulgarian liberal society and the Bulgarian record on democracy. His brilliance adjusted the King as a top wannabe musical and fashion model to the BulGAYrian youth. The Bulgarian youth is crazy about their "King" and they just openly adore him, as much as he is truly a modern affirmative icon of today's liberal Bulgaria. In these episode Azis says that he has nothing now in the world, but only you and that's why you will be gentle and with your black eyes you will gently look at him. Malina then says that she was happy with you but now she realized that you are the only one in the world and she wants from you to take everything from her and do the same like Azis, to be gentle with her and gently to look at her with your black eyes. The democracy in Bulgaria never stops, they over passed the Ancient Greeks, not only by their beauty, but with their brilliance making in 10 months, a straight 9 1/2 months Bulgarian record on Democracy and 1300 years of history! The Beautiful Bulgaria liberal live in our heart!
