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Opening a Ob/GYN Private Practice With Dr Ruet Bardach 1 год назад

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Opening a Ob/GYN Private Practice With Dr Ruet Bardach

Opening a Ob/GYN Private Practice With Dr Ruet Bardach About Dr. Bardach Reut Bardach, MD, FACOG, is a board-certified OB-GYN at Orange Blossom Women's Group in Trinity, Florida. In addition to healthy and high-risk pregnancy and routine gynecology care, Dr. Bardach specializes in advanced, robotic-assisted gynecological surgery. Her goal is to provide the best care possible in a timely and reasonable manner. She makes sure the patient’s needs come first, and she strives to provide the best service to obtain the utmost in patient satisfaction. Dr. Bardach earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Central Florida, in Florida, in 2000. She then went on to earn her graduate degree at the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, in Coral Gables, Florida, in 2008. Following graduation, she completed a residency at St. John Hospital and Medical Center. To better serve her patients, Dr. Bardach is fluent in English, Hebrew, and Spanish. She looks forward to meeting new patients and ensuring they receive the best gynecological care possible. https://www.orangeblossomwomensgroup.... ---------------------- We provide business education for women physicians so that they can build profitable businesses and live their best life. Whether you are looking to build your private practice or looking for a non clinical physician job, we have you covered. Come join a supportive community of women physicians We have a Facebook group summits twice a year A Business Program Learn more at Join us in our Facebook group for women physician entrepreneurs   / femalephysicianentrepreneurs  
