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Скачать с ютуб CCI's Screen Printing Frame Re-stretching в хорошем качестве

CCI's Screen Printing Frame Re-stretching 9 лет назад

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CCI's Screen Printing Frame Re-stretching

Recycle your old Frames with ripped or loose mesh today! CCI can re-stretch both aluminum and wood Frames at a fraction of the cost of a new one. We stock all mesh counts ranging from 25 - 460. We do not re-glue over old glue and mesh, we resurface and reseal frames for maximum adhesion with our state-of-the-art adhesives. There is No screen too small or too big, We do it all! No middle man so you save time and money. Visit our website Follow Us On Our Social Network! Instagram:   / chemical_consul.  . Facebook:   / chemic.  . Twitter: Google+: YouTube:
