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Brain Reboot For Motivation and Focus - Subliminal Visualization Video & Manifestation Movie 10 лет назад

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Brain Reboot For Motivation and Focus - Subliminal Visualization Video & Manifestation Movie

Watch our meditation videos and explore new opportunities. Experience a Brain Reboot when you use this subliminal meditation video to improve your focus and help you get the motivation you need to complete a project, start a project, work towards a goal, or just get off your a@@ and do something with your life! Watch this subliminal meditation, which is encoded with visual AND spoken subliminal commands as well as specific binaural beat frequencies, anytime that you need to get more motivation in your life, or increase your focus. Some of the subliminal commands in this motivation and focus Brain Reboot video include: You feel motivated and are moving in the direction of your dreams You have unlimited creativity, drive and motivation You are motivated to continue pursuing your goals New opportunities are showing up daily and You are motivated to take action towards those opportunities You feel alive, energized and motivated to take on any task in front of you You are continually motivated and share that motivation with others Motivation comes easily to you Staying motivated comes easily to you Because of your motivation, You achieve and exceed at all that You do You are so motivated that others get motivated just by being around you You attract those that help you reach your goals You are motivated and live your life to the fullest your life is full of purpose and motivation You have unlimited energy and motivation You are happy and motivated and You achieve your goals You are easily motivated You easily stay motivated toward your dreams You stay motivated and energized when working toward your goals You wake up motivated and ready to face the day You are confident in what You do and that keeps you motivated You welcome positive energy and You use that feeling to accomplish more You use your energy to live your life to the fullest You trust your thought processes You enjoy being responsible for your actions your life is full of purpose, exciting change, and many recognized deeds You are highly motivated to exercise your body because You find exercise as fun You create health by expressing love, understanding and compassion You are healthy and happy All your actions support your dreams Every action You take increases your motivation Every action You take motivates you more Every day You are more and more motivated to work on creating your dreams Every day You are motivated to take one more step towards your goal Every day You work at creating your dreams Every moment of every day You are becoming more and more motivated ...and HUNDREDS more like these. #abundantmind, #subliminalvisualization
