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The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CASTLE) 2 года назад

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The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CASTLE)

Join XPLR CLUB: Sam and Colby take CelinaSpookyBoo and Katrina back to the haunted Casa Loma Castle, aka "Hill House", for a paranormal investigation. Overnight they experience poltergeist activity when a cross necklace breaks... Make sure to Subscribe: What's XPLR CLUB? it's sam and colby's very own social media platform! You'll get everything from extra haunted investigations to podcasts to vlog adventures to giveaways where you could win the chance to be in their next video! watch the video here: XPLR MERCH: XPLR APP! Download for free: Android: Editor: Sam and Colby Asst Editor: Benjamin Cook Producer: Zach Bell This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate): Music Used: Follow Erin Marie the Medium! IG: @soulwrk Friends in Video: Celina: ‪@CelinaSpookyBoo‬ Katrina: ‪@KatrinaStuart‬ COLBY:    / colbybrock   SAM:    / samgolbach   Our other social media! Instagram: @SamandColby Twitter: @SamandColby Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock #SamandColby #SeasonOne #haunted About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Witch Forest, the Castle, Return of the Shadow Man, and most recently Cerro Gordo. Subscribe to explore, travel, go treasure hunting, and watch some scary content! The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CASTLE) | Sam and Colby    • The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CA...   Sam and Colby    / samandcolby  
