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Скачать с ютуб BONUS Make NEW Outfits out of OLD Clothes | Shop My Wardrobe *petite body type* в хорошем качестве

BONUS Make NEW Outfits out of OLD Clothes | Shop My Wardrobe *petite body type* 4 года назад

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BONUS Make NEW Outfits out of OLD Clothes | Shop My Wardrobe *petite body type*

This video was filmed before the COVID19 pandemic Ciao everyone! I have another #shopmycloset video for you this week featuring spring trend outfit ideas on a petite frame! This shop my wardrobe exercise is a great way to make OLD clothes feel NEW again and get more use out of your closet. Please be kind in the comments as Dina kindly volunteered her time, closet, and killer personal style to make this video! LINKS TO SIMILAR ITEMS BELOW For more slow fashion videos like this: Sign up for my monthly newsletter here: MORE FROM MS.BELTEMPO: Blog: Newsletter: Instagram:   / msbeltempo   Facebook:   / msbeltempo   Twitter:   / ms_beltempo   SHOP YOUR CLOSET PLAYLIST: GUIDE TO ITALIAN STYLE PART I:    • Style Secrets From Italian Style We C...   LOOK 1 anorak rain coat: long sleeve tee: denim shorts: boots: purse: LOOK 2 accordion skirt: sweater: boots: bag: *Some affiliate links used. All gifted items will be indicated as such. When I use affiliate links it means I receive commission on a product if you make a purchase. This in no way affects the price you pay, or my decision to include the product in my recommendations. I always seek out the pieces that I truly believe in and think you will have for years to come. I also try to choose sustainable or eco-friendly options since a lot of my clothes are old and no longer in circulation. When you purchase from an affiliate link, you help me continue to work on the channel. :) Extraordinaire by Dj Quads   / aka-dj-quads   Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs    • (Free Music for Vlogs) Dj Quads - Ext...   and music by:
