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Скачать с ютуб 廣州最著名惠福西路美食節!燒生蠔!馬來西亞拉茶!印度飛餅!番禺爬金山!美食旅遊攻略!遊客集中地!一年一度廣府廟會!醒獅表演!人工智能猜燈謎!元宵節!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou в хорошем качестве

廣州最著名惠福西路美食節!燒生蠔!馬來西亞拉茶!印度飛餅!番禺爬金山!美食旅遊攻略!遊客集中地!一年一度廣府廟會!醒獅表演!人工智能猜燈謎!元宵節!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou 5 дней назад

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廣州最著名惠福西路美食節!燒生蠔!馬來西亞拉茶!印度飛餅!番禺爬金山!美食旅遊攻略!遊客集中地!一年一度廣府廟會!醒獅表演!人工智能猜燈謎!元宵節!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利:    / @huntingarcher   #廣州 #美食節 #旅遊 ———————————— 時間:廣府廟會通常在每年的元宵節期間舉辦,為期7天,即農曆正月十五至廿一。 地點:廣府廟會主要在廣州市越秀區舉辦,以城隍廟忠佑廣場為始發點,以北京路文化核心區為重心,並向周邊區域輻射。 地位:廣府廟會是廣府文化的代表性符號之一,已成為廣州的城市名片和文化IP。 起源:廣府廟會的歷史可以追溯到漢唐時期,當時佛教、道教等宗教在廣州地區逐漸興盛,為了廣納信徒,增置香火,修建寺廟,傳播教義,各自在其宗教儀式上添加喜聞樂見的娛樂活動,逐漸形成了廟會的雛形。 發展:宋元以來,隨著商品經濟的發展,早期的廟會逐漸商業化,發展成為“廟市”,成為我國傳統市、圩文化的重要組成部分。廣府廟會文化自漢唐肇始,宋元興盛,一直延續至今。 廣府廟會涵蓋了豐富多彩的活動內容,主要包括: 民俗文化巡遊:包括舞龍、醒獅、粵劇表演、飛仙展示等,是廣府廟會的重頭戲,展現了廣府的風情魅力和嶺南地區博大精深的民間藝術。 文藝演出:在城隍廟忠佑廣場等地,會舉辦粵劇、舞蹈、打擊樂等文藝演出,為民眾帶來文化盛宴。 非遺展示:設有非遺市集和特展,展示廣彩、廣州榄雕、通草畫、針灸(董氏奇穴針法)等非物質文化遺產項目,推動非遺的傳承與發展。 美食廟會:設置美食展位,精選廣府風味及其他地方特色美食,讓市民和遊客品嘗到地道的美食。 雲上廟會:利用VR大空間、元宇宙等技術,在虛擬空間中展現廣州文化之美,提供沉浸式體驗。 弘揚廣府文化:廣府廟會是弘揚廣府文化的重要平台,通過豐富多彩的活動內容,讓市民和遊客了解廣府文化的深厚底蘊。 促進文化交流:廣府廟會吸引了眾多市民和遊客參與,促進了不同文化之間的交流與融合。 豐富群眾生活:廣府廟會為市民和遊客提供了豐富多彩的節日活動,豐富了群眾的精神文化生活。 提升城市形象:廣府廟會作為廣州的城市名片和文化IP,提升了廣州的城市形象和知名度。 推動經濟發展:廣府廟會吸引了大量遊客前來參觀和消費,促進了當地經濟的發展。 增強文化自信:廣府廟會的舉辦增強了市民對廣府文化的認同感和自豪感,推動了文化自信的提升。 2025年廣府廟會:於2025年2月12日開幕,為期7天。本屆廣府廟會組織了國潮非遺、美食廟會、雲上廟會等十大版塊近兩百場活動,科技+非遺元素濃厚。開幕式現場,廣彩、廣東醒獅、廣州榄雕等16位非物質文化遺產代表性傳承人通過“直播帶貨+線下體驗”的形式與市民互動。 科技賦能:在廣府廟會廣州非遺街區(北京路),通過“科技+”展現蛇年主題非遺文創亮點。主辦方還搭建VR大空間,通過廣府元宇宙整合越秀區歷史文化建築、文物、非遺等3D數字資源,在虛擬空間中展現廣州文化之美。 廣府廟會作為一項具有深厚歷史底蘊和廣泛社會影響的民俗活動,已經成為廣州市民和遊客歡度元宵節的重要選擇。通過豐富多彩的活動內容,廣府廟會不僅弘揚了廣府文化,還促進了文化交流。 —————————— Here's the English translation of the above text about the Guangfu Temple Fair: I. Overview Time: The Guangfu Temple Fair is usually held during the Lantern Festival, lasting for 7 days from the 15th to the 21st day of the first lunar month. Location: The fair is mainly held in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, starting from the Zhongyou Square of the City God Temple, centered on the Beijing Road cultural core area, and radiating to the surrounding areas. Status: The Guangfu Temple Fair is one of the representative symbols of Guangfu culture and has become a city card and cultural IP of Guangzhou. II. Historical Origin Origin: The history of the Guangfu Temple Fair can be traced back to the Han and Tang dynasties. At that time, Buddhism, Taoism, and other religions gradually flourished in the Guangzhou area. To attract followers, increase incense offerings, build temples, and disseminate teachings, they added entertaining activities popular among the people to their religious ceremonies, gradually forming the embryo of the temple fair. Development: Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, with the development of the commodity economy, early temple fairs have gradually become commercialized, developing into "temple markets" and becoming an important part of China's traditional market and fair culture. Guangfu temple fair culture originated in the Han and Tang dynasties, flourished in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and has continued to this day. III. Activities The Guangfu Temple Fair covers a rich variety of activities, mainly including: Folk Culture Parade: Including dragon and lion dances, Cantonese opera performances, and fairy flying displays, which are the highlights of the Guangfu Temple Fair, showcasing the charm of Guangfu culture and the profound folk art of the Lingnan region. Cultural Performances: Cultural performances such as Cantonese opera, dance, and percussion are held at the Zhongyou Square of the City God Temple, providing a cultural feast for the people. Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition: There are intangible cultural heritage markets and special exhibitions showcasing intangible cultural heritage projects such as Guangcai porcelain, Guangzhou olive carving, Tongcao painting, and acupuncture (Dong's Qixue Needling Technique), promoting the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage. Food Temple Fair: Food stalls are set up, featuring Guangfu flavors and other local specialties, allowing citizens and tourists to taste authentic cuisine. Cloud Temple Fair: Utilizing VR large spaces, metaverse, and other technologies, the beauty of Guangzhou culture is presented in a virtual space, providing an immersive experience. IV. Cultural Significance 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★    • 開平!食遊記!最新樓價!三房兩廳 23萬!三日兩夜!想不到!特色美食!二人...   ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★    • 【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】三天兩夜!台山廣海鎮!食足一日海鮮!海鮮市場買海鮮...   ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】中山美食游!33元一只!最有名石岐乳鸽味道如何?!...   ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】开车100公里!中山最隐世渔村食海鲜!市场海鲜街!...   ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】广州最大海鲜市场!食海鲜必去!消费300元!巨满足...   —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:38 一年一度廣府廟會/美食街/馬來西亞拉茶 10:15 乳酪焗生蠔/焗蟹蓋 14:15 廟會活動/北京路步行街 22:26 中山五路/城隍廟/廣府廟會 30:15 AI人工智慧大破猜燈謎 38:40 醒獅快閃 51:14 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #惠福西路 #美食節 #燒生蠔 #馬來西亞拉茶 #飛餅 #旅遊 #廣府廟會 #醒獅元宵節 #人工智能 #food tourism #food tour in china #vlog study #city walk 广州 #馬來西亞 拉茶 #廣州 vlog #china tourism 144 #china tourism
