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Investing $10,000 into RoundHill's New WEEKLY DIVIDEND ETF (RDTE)!

This must be the highest dividend yield on the market. This monthly paying dividend ETF is yielding an insane return! Based on the stock PayPal this fund is paying out a ton of high dividends. What do you think about this dividend ETF and its wild dividend yield? Is it too risky or will this make people millions?! Drop a comment and let me know what you think! NEW WEEKLY DIVIDENDS:    • Why Investors Are RUSHING To These Ne...   Investing $10,000 into $QDTE Video:    • Investing $10,000 into QDTE with its ...   Chapters: 00:00 Intro 0:55 RoundHill Website 5:32 XDTE Distribution History 6:20 QDTE Distribution History 7:14 RDTE Dividend Yield Calculation 9:03 10K Invested in RDTE Calculation 1 Thanks for Watching! Defiance ETFs vs YieldMax ETFs, which are better?! RDTE Weekly Dividend ETF Explained Are weekly dividend ETFs like roundhill QDTE and yieldmax YMAX worth it? #stocks #money #tesla #tsly #dividends #dividendstocks #etf #dividendetf #dividendinvesting #stockstobuynow #realityincome #reit #mpw #medicalpropertiestrust #discountedstocks #cheapstocks #stocksonsale
