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How to do Christian Meditation 4 года назад

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How to do Christian Meditation

‘How to do Christian Meditation’ is a short animation film that introduces meditation to people who have never meditated before, especially Christians who think that it is not part of the Christian traditions. The film has been produced by Paul Demeyer, an animation film director based in Los Angeles. He generously shares this film as a supporting resource for WCCM. Many people, including many Christians, think that meditation is only found in Buddhism or Hinduism. Meditation belongs to the Christian tradition too as the prayer of the heart, where we let go of all thoughts and words. Jesus says 'Go to your inner room, close the door and be there in the presence of God". The early Christian fathers and mothers have taught us to guard the heart from negativity and emotion by laying aside all thoughts. In Christian Meditation we enter into the inner room to enable the essential human journey. As we mediate day by day, we find deeper stillness, silence and simplicity that begins to transform our minds, our feelings and daily life all for the better. If you're serious about finding peace, be serious about learning how to meditate. In his video, Paul takes us on a gentle journey to show us how simple and natural this process is. He explains, "That was the idea: how to do it, how many times you do it… and I also wanted to add about the resistances we have, so you are just aware of that. It is about introducing something that's not as difficult as it might sound or it's as difficult as it sounds whatever you're interpreted like ''. Script: Laurence Freeman & Paul Demeyer Sound: Bruce Odland Narration: Paul Demeyer Direction and Animation: Paul Demeyer SUPPORT THE WCCM: In our mission to share the gift of Christian meditation for the unity of all peoples, the WCCM produces hundreds of hours of content each month, completely free of charge. Any gift, no matter how small, will help us continue our mission. Make a Donation - CONNECT WITH US The WCCM Bonnevaux Centre for Peace: Join the mailing list: Get the app:
