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9 Things I Wish I Knew Before Flying With My Road Bike 1 год назад

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9 Things I Wish I Knew Before Flying With My Road Bike

Flying with a road bike comes with a lot of things to think about, and there are so many ways that you can get it wrong. The last thing we want to happen is to have harm come to our beloved road bikes. So, in this video, Sam Gupta runs through everything he wishes he knew when he flew with his road bike. Let us know, is there anything you wish you knew before putting your road bike on a plane? Best Bike Bags & Boxes: 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - The Vessel 02:27 - Airline Choice 03:00 - Prep 03:49 - Fill The Gaps 04:49 - Trackers 05:30 - Insurance 05:59 - The Spares 06:46 - Transfers 07:20 - Back-up plan 08:36 - Outro Subscribe to Cycling Weekly here: More at: Cycling Weekly: Facebook:   / cyclingweekly   Instagram:   / cyclingweeklymagazine   Twitter:   / cyclingweekly   Email: [email protected] #cycling #bikes #bicycles
