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PUNISHED for having Fun | Chromatic Cube Draft | MTG Arena | Twitch Replay

Match Timestamps: 0:00 Drafting 15:31 Round 1 23:16 Round 2 29:23 Round 3 33:24 Round 4 38:11 Round 5 46:37 Round 6 52:08 Round 7 58:24 Round 8 Subscribe: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Twitch:   / numotthenummy   Twitter:   / numotthenummy   Instagram:   / numotthenummy   ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor Shoutout: CardKingdom Lightning-fast domestic and international shipping, exceptional customer service, and passionate support of the Magic community and those who create content for it. Shop: Powered by Gloomshot (vers 0.5.4 sphinx 2) Gloomshot is an editing bot that allows me to put out more content. If you notice jarring cuts, it's because the video is edited by an algorithm. Editor contact:joseph[at] Original length: 1h38m51s. Gloomshot edited this down 21%. Original broadcast: Streamed on 2022-06-28 #MagicTheGathering #mtga #mtgdraft #Draft #mtg_arena #mtg
