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INSHOW-HA - Kirei ('Pretty') [Official Music Video]

INSHOW-HA's official music video for 'Kirei' ('Pretty'), taken from their 3rd mini-album "AQ" 'Kirei' and mini-album "AQ" available everywhere: ・iTS ・Apple Music ・Spotify INSHOW-HA ("Impressionists") was formed in 2009 in Osaka, by MICA and MIU, who are office workers by day. Their music caught the attention of discerning music fans early on, despite their elusive identity from performing only a few live shows a year. The release of their singles and mini-albums throughout the years, as well as the uniquely original music videos that accompany their music, have steadily earned them the reputation as an innovative, genre-expanding act. ◆ INSHOW-HA Official HP ◆ INSHOW-HA Official Twitter   / miu_inshowha   ◆ SPACE SHOWER MUSIC
