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Скачать с ютуб Chinese five spice powder authentic Sichuan/ Szechuan food recipe #6 四川五香粉 в хорошем качестве

Chinese five spice powder authentic Sichuan/ Szechuan food recipe #6 四川五香粉 8 лет назад

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Chinese five spice powder authentic Sichuan/ Szechuan food recipe #6 四川五香粉

Chinese five spice normally doesn't only consist of 5 spices, but as many as 20 or more herbs, spices sometimes even Chinese traditional medicines. Here is just a basic recipe you could also give it a try at home. I found all the spices I needed from our local Indian supermarket: star anis, fennel, cloves, dry ginger, sichuan chili peppers, cinnamon sticks. You could maybe find the following brands of pre made Chinese five spice in your local Chinese supermarket (most of them are in Chinese): 味好美、友加食品、桥头、三海、留意家、宏仁堂、广味源、小丑娃、WEEJIA/唯加、上品鲜、刘氏神厨、希美、王守义、尼罗非、华品、川珍、古松、乐畅、阿香婆等。 I have heard good things about this brand "王守义", WEEJIA is the only one I could find here in Germany. Hope you enjoy my video and subscribe to my channel. If you like my videos please visit my blog for more recipes: Ingredients: 20g Sichuan chili pepers 20g star anis 10g cinnamon sticks 10g cloves 6g fennels 1 dry ginger Hackbeat and Nano Hoedown Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
