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Can I Beat Every Pokemon Champion using only Reds Manga Team?

Can Red from the Pokemon Manga Defeat Every Pokemon Champion? In this video, I'll show you how I beat every Pokemon champion as Red from the Manga with there Pokemon. It may not be the most efficient or strategic way to beat the champions, but it worked for me! Red from the Manga is a powerful trainer and has some powerful pokemon too so can he do this challenge? If you're a fan of the Pokemon anime and manga and the games, then you'll love this video. I'll show you how to play as Red From the Manga and defeat all the Pokemon champions using there Pokemon For Business Inquiries (Sponsorships, Affiliates, Etc): [email protected] Follow me on Twitter , wait X or Yeah Twitter! Rules: 1: Only use Reds Pokemon In battle. 2: No items in battle or Held items allowed. 3: Cant Be Higher Level Than Champion Ace 4: Not really a rule But I play on set battle mode. Disclaimer : I sometimes modify a Pokémon that I already have obtained in my save file to give me a better move set , changing pound to flamethrower for example. I Hope you all enjoyed the video let me know of any Feedback (good or bad) as I'm still new in my Pokemon challenge journey. #pokemon #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonchallenges
