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WotLK MY *NEW* HEALER MAIN! Why Discipline Priest? Gameplay & More | WoW Wrath Classic

World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) Classic my healer main reveal video. This video looks at Discipline Priest healing, gameplay and all of the negatives and positives that are attributed to the class. I also talk about the best healer in Wrath including short overview of all healer gameplay. Became a monthly supporter and help the channel with Patreon: 💰   / madskillzztv   🔊 As a supporter of the channel (YouTube Member / Twitch Sub / Patreon) you will automatically get access to my full UI - check Discord:   / discord   💩 Watch my Twitch stream:   / madskillzztv   I look at Discipline Priest in WotLK Patch 3.3.5! 00:00 Intro & WotLK Experience 02:10 Why Discipline Priest? 07:21 Other Healers (Holy Paladin - Resto Druid - Resto Shaman - Holy Priest) 09:26 Dual Talent Specialization 10:56 Summary Patch 3.3.5 World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion. 💚 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to, use coupon code madskillzztv and get 70% off NordVPN! Only $3.49/mo, plus you get two additional months FREE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👉 MY SOCIAL LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter:   / madskillzztv   Facebook:   / madskillzztv   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
