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All Black Ops 6 DARK OPS Challenges & How to Complete Them...

Probably one of my favorite things of Treyarch titles that doesn't affect gameplay or setting or anything, that's strictly an afterthought for so many people is something that is just a ton of fun to me... Dark Ops Challenges. So, Treyarch has for the last 10 years or so been really keen on challenges, calling cards, camos, you name it and while we've seen dedicated 100%er challenges fora while now, tasking you with completing every single challenge in the game, one such set that exists outside of that 100% completion track are Dark Ops because they're so out there and don't offer any real hints on what you're supposed to do from the game menu. That's what makes them so intriguing to me... Challenges with no criteria available, until there is. Today, I wanted to take a look at ALL of the Dark Ops challenges in Black Ops 6 now that we have every core pillar of the content available this year: Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies and Warzone, a first in the Dark Ops and 100%er spectrum, so today we're breaking down the criteria of every single one of these, offering a few tips where applicable and giving you a few heads up on a couple that are actually easier than they sound. So, drop your thoughts as we go along, what do you think of the challenges this year for Dark Ops? Like them? Have a few? Let me know. If you enjoy the video, do me a favor and drop a like on the video and if you're new to the channel, make sure you subscribe to stay up to date with more guides, updates and all the latest with Black Ops 6 and other FPS content. We're now on the road to 700,000 subscribers - can't thank you enough for all the support so if you'd like to join the community, I'd love to have you. For now, let's get into it... This is: All Black Ops 6 DARK OPS Challenges & How to Complete Them... 00:00 - Intro 01:30 - All Campaign Dark Ops Challenges (& How to Complete Them in Black Ops 6) 04:43 - All Multiplayer Dark Ops Challenges (& How to Complete Them in Black Ops 6) 08:22 - All Zombies Dark Ops Challenges (& How to Complete Them in Black Ops 6) 11:18 - All Warzone Dark Ops Challenges (& How to Complete Them in Black Ops 6) 13:42 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment! ►Twitter:   / ecoliespresso   ►Instagram:   / ecoliespresso   ►Get 10% off GamerAdvantage Glasses: ►Get 20% Off GFuel with code "Espresso":
