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What is Unit Testing and Why is it Important? 4 года назад

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What is Unit Testing and Why is it Important?

Unit testing is quality assurance for computer codes. Even though units are the tiniest part of code, it's important they work right. Watch to learn more about what unit testing is, how it works, and its potential advantages or disadvantages. Unit testing is a software development process that tests the smallest parts of an application, called units, to ensure they're functioning properly. It does this by isolating written code to detect early flaws that would be harder to find in later stages. Unit testing is a component of test-driven development (TDD), a methodology that takes a meticulous approach to product development though its continual testing and revision process. Unit testing occurs in three stages: first the unit test is planned and reviewed. Then, test cases and scripts are created. And finally, the code is tested. Unit testing can be conducted manually or automatically. How does your business utilize unit testing? Let us know in the comments, and remember to give this video a like. Read more about unit testing: https://searchsoftwarequality.techtar... Subscribe to Eye on Tech for more videos covering the latest in business technology, including security, networking, AI, DevOps, enterprise strategy, storage, devices and more:    / eyeontech   Stay up to date on the latest software quality news: https://searchsoftwarequality.techtar... Follow us on Twitter:   / softwaretesttt   Like us on Facebook:   / techtargetenterprisesoftware   #UnitTesting #TestDrivenDevelopment #EyeOnTech
