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Скачать с ютуб After more than 30 years Miriam models for me again!!! Volume bob by TKS в хорошем качестве

After more than 30 years Miriam models for me again!!! Volume bob by TKS 17 часов назад

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After more than 30 years Miriam models for me again!!! Volume bob by TKS

Meriam was a top model when she was young, she dared to do anything really TOP. Now that she came back into my path, matured by life, I discovered a still tough woman who, through her beautiful work as an ambulance doctor, is a saving angel for many, and that she also has the beauty and brilliance of life. I'm grateful that she is my model again in this tutorial video! #bobhaircut #bob #shorthairstyles #tutorial #haircut #hair
