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All natural home remedy for phlegm cold and cough | Homemade cough syrup

Hello all, this is a recipe video for making an amazing golden cough, coke, phlegm relief syrup. This is a home remedy made with Ginger, bay leaned, cloves and honey. All natural ingredients are used to help you get relief from cold, cough and phlegm. A must try!! For printing the recipe or read the blogpost: All natural home remedy for phlegm cold and cough, home remedy, natural home remedy, cough syrup, homemade cough syrup for babies, cold remedy, ayurvedic cough remedy, home remedy for, herbal tea, magic syrup, homemade cough syrup, phlegm, bublis world cuisine, cough home remedy, cold home remedy, mucus cough remedy, home remedy for cough with phlegm, ayurvedic tea, ayurveda, natural medicine, grandmas cough syrup, remedy, cough relief, phlegm relief, chest infection, ginger tea, Natural home remedy, Natural home remedy for cough, cough relief with ginger, #homeremedy #coughsyrup #homeremedyforcoldandcough #ayurvedic #gingertea #phlegm
